Dipl.-Inf. Wolfgang Reichert
Sektion Sammlungen Online
Botanische Staatssammlung München
Senior Software Developer
IT Center of the Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns
Research interests
Biodiversity informatics, software development
Current and former projects
- Coordination Office for Conservation Issues concerning the Native Flora in Bavaria
- Coordination Office for the Bavarian Flora
- Diversity GIS
- DiversityMobile (IBF) Setting up an Information Network on Biological Research Data gained in the Field up to the Sustainable Storage in a Primary Data Repository
- Diversity Workbench Framework
- DWB and Concept Development for a Flora Flora of Bavaria – Data management in the DWB network and concept development for a flora
- DWB and FIS-Natur Data Management and Workflow Services, Diversity Workbench and the Bavarian Information System for Nature Conservation
- GBIF-D Fungi & Lichens
- GBOL German Barcode of Life; DWB Web Editor
- GFBio German Federation for Biological Data
- IDES Integrated data management for mobilisation and digitalisation of zoological and palaeontological collections
- LIAS A Global Information System for Lichenized and Non-lichenized Ascomycetes
For publications check DALI.