Section Vascular plants
Up to now, families and genera of vascular plants had been arranged following ‘Genera Siphonogamarum’ by Dalla Torre & Harms (1907). Within genera the order of species is alphabetical.
In January 2024, we started to change this arrangement by 1) updating family delimitations, 2) generic delimitations and 3) arranging genera alphabetically within families. Literature and other sources consulted by us is found in the respective families.
Types are included in the families and not kept separate. One exception to this is a small collection (not only types) of palms on oversize sheets, mostly by C. F. P. Martius. We estimate that M harbours more than 50,000 type specimens. The vascular plant collection includes more than 80,000 specimens of ferns and fern allies.
For web search of material in M visit Collections online and JSTOR Global Plants in Munich, for the respective see About. Furthermore, 316 type specimens from selected plant families of the Martius Collection are accessible online here.
Important collections
Important collections from Europe are, e.g., those of Carl Franz. Joseph Erich Correns (1864–1933; ca. 100,000 specimens including cryptogams), Wilhelm Freiberg (1879–1967, ca. 27,000 specimens) or Kurt Harz (ca. 30,000 specimens). Bavarian collections are present within the herbarium of the Bayerische Botanische Gesellschaft with the collections, e.g, of Franz Vollmann (1858–1917; ca. 5,000 specimens). Special collections are present from Pater Adolf Haas (1914–1982; some hundred specimens of the Ranunculus auricomus-group), Josef Höller (1909–1987; ca. 3,500 specimens of Carex), Hugo Andreas Hundstorfer (1869–1962; ca. 4,000 specimens of Hieracium), Hans Schack (1878–1946; ca. 6,600 specimens of Hieracium), and Adolph Töpffer (1853–1931; ca. 3,000 specimens of Salix).
J. Bogner (approx. 3,100 specimens of tropical plants, including many Araceae), H. Bürger (Japanese plants), C. F. J. E. Correns (approx. 100,000 specimens, mainly from Europe), H. & H. Doppelbaur (approx. 11,900 specimens, mainly from Europe and America), W. Freiberg (approx. 275,000 specimens from Europe), H. Freitag (ca. 30,000 specimens, mainly from Afghanistan), W. Giess (approx. 7,000 specimens, mainly from Namibia), A. Haas (some hundred specimens of the Ranunculus auricomus-group), K. Harz (approx. 30,000 specimens from Europe), J. Höller (approx. 3,500 specimens of Carex), C. C. Hosseus (approx. 800 specimens from Thailand and Sri Lanka), H. A. Hundsdorfer (approx. 4,000 specimens of Hieracium), W. F. Karwinski (approx. 4,000 specimens), W. Kupper (approx. 3,000 specimens from Costa Rica), C. von Linné (few specimens), W. Lippert (approx. 20,000 specimens from Europe), P. von Lützelburg (approx. 4,500 specimens from Brazil), C. F. P. von Martius (approx. 25,000–30,000 specimens from the ‘iter Brasiliense’), A. K. Meebold (approx. 20,000 specimens from Europe, Southern Africa, Northern America, Australia and the Pacific area), H. Merxmüller (approx. 25,000 specimens, mainly from Europe and Namibia), W. L. Mittak (approx. 1,000 specimens of Pinus from Central America, F. J. H. von Mueller (2,200 specimens from Australia), D. Podlech (approx. 13,000 specimens, mainly from Afghanistan and Iran), C. G. Pringle (approx. 5,000 specimens from Mexico), C. A. Purpus (approx. 3,500 specimens from Northern America), L. J. T. Radlkofer (approx. 1,200 specimens of Sapindaceae of different collectors and treated by Radlkofer), K. H. Rechinger (approx. 15,000 specimens, mainly from Greece and the area of ‘Flora Iranica’), K. F. Reiche (approx. 1,000 specimens from Mexico), E. Rosenstock (Pteridophytes, in the majority of cases exsiccatae by diverse collectors), H. Ross (specimens from Europe [especially Sicily] and Mexico, together approx. 5,600 specimens), H. Schack (approx. 6,600 specimens of Hieracium), J. C. D. von Schreber, O. Sendtner (approx. 5,000 specimens from Bavaria and ‘Yugoslawia’), Ph. F. von Siebold (approx. 2,000-3,000 Japanese plants), A. K. Skvortzov (approx. 8,000 specimens from Eastern Europe and Northern Asia), A. Töpffer (approx. 3,000 specimens of Salix), C. Troll (2,300 specimens from Mexico and the ‘Iter Andinum’), C. Vogl (approx. 3,500 specimens from Venezuela), F. Vollmann (approx. 5,000 specimens, mainly from Bavaria), G. A. Zenker (approx. 3,500 specimens from Kamerun), J. G. Zuccarini.
An index of the collectors and vascular plant collections in M from 1813 to 1988 is given by Hertel & Schreiber (1988) – online version, extended.
Incorporated herbaria
Bayerische Botanische Gesellschaft; Munich School of Philosophy (formerly Berchmannskolleg); Naturkundemuseum Bamberg; Technische Universität München; Tierärztliche Hochschule München; DUSS in part (Oenothera).
General information: IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae
Exsiccata currently distributed: F. Schuhwerk, Cormophyta Exsiccata
Collections of historical interest
Princess Maria del Pilar von Bayern (33 specimens from Bavaria and Spain), Princess Therese von Bayern (841 specimens, mainly from South America), Queen Maria von Bayern (approx. 600 specimens, mainly from Bavaria), Lola Montez (330 specimens from Switzerland).
Water colours
Important series: G. Dehn (approx. 600 water colours of plants from Zimbabwe; partly mounted together with herbarium specimens; see Eulophia coeloglossa and Eulophia cucullata).
Families arranged alphabetically

Families of seed plants arranged alphabetically
Section Vascular plants
Identification units-based data records by GBIF

The Vascular Plant Collection
Section Vascular plants
Object-based data records by Search interfaces

The Types of Compositae
Section Vascular plants
Object-based data records with high-resolution images

JSTOR Global Plants
Section Vascular plants