Dr. Hans-Joachim Esser
Section Vascular plants

Bavarian State Collection for Botany
Research Scientist and Curator of Vascular Plants
Research Interests
Flora of the Southeast-Asian tropics and of the Neotropics.
Systematics of Araliaceae (in particular Brassaiopsis and Dendropanax), Euphorbiaceae (in particular Croton, Euphorbia and tribe Hippomaneae), Polyosmaceae, and Rutaceae (in particular Glycosmis).
The botanical collections of C.F.P. von Martius (Brazil), P.F. von Siebold (Japan) and C.C. Hosseus (Thailand).
Current projects
- Flora of Ecuador
- Flora of the Guianas
- Flora Malesiana
- Flora of Thailand
- Global Plants Initiative
- Siebold Project – International Network for Digitization of the Siebold Collection