Molecular laboratory
Scientific Head: PD Dr. Andreas Beck
A large array of techniques is realised in the laboratory of the Botanische Staatssammlung München: The laboratory is fully equipped for molecular studies: Extraction and storage of DNA from algae, fungi and plants, PCR amplification of DNA, gel electrophoresis and documentation, E. coli cloning of target DNA segments, DNA sequencing (Licor 4200), analysis of DNA sequences including the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees. Furthermore, a freezing microtome facilitates the preparation of thin sections of tissues. Thin layer chromatography is performed for the analysis of secondary lichen compounds. Lichen algae are isolated into pure culture using a single-cell manipulator. Chromosome spreading and banding is employed for chromosome counts.
Through ongoing research in the molecular laboratory, the Botanische Staatssammlung München is involved in national and international “bar coding” efforts and activities for DNA-based species indentification.