Bavarian Environment Minister Glauber awards SNSB botanist Andreas Fleischmann the Bavarian Environmental Medal
SNSB botanist PD Dr. Andreas Fleischmann of the Bavarian State Collection for Botany (SNSB-BSM) received the Environmental Medal of the Free State of Bavaria on September 22nd 2022. During an honorary ceremony in the former Dominican Church in Bamberg, Bavarian Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber presented the award.

As curator of flowering plants at the Bavarian State Collection for Botany (SNSB-BSM), Andreas Fleischmann contributes his broad expertise to environmental protection. The botanist is also intensively involved in various voluntary biodiversity initiatives, focusing on education and information. Fleischmann tirelessly explains the causes, contexts and consequences of the biodiversity crisis to citizens.
“You provide society with the facts needed to advance in environmental protection in Bavaria,” said State Minister Thorsten Glauber, explaining the award. “I would particularly like to highlight your successful scientific communication on the environmental topics of biotope destruction and flower strip management, and your expert commitment to the environmental policy discussion on species loss, effective species protection and the establishment of biotope bridges.”
The Bavarian State Medal for Special Services to the Environment is the highest award that the Bavarian State has to bestow in this field. It is awarded annually by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection to individuals or associations who have rendered outstanding services to nature conservation and environmental protection. This year, eleven people received the medal.
Prof. Dr. Joris Peters, general director of the SNSB, is also pleased about the honor: “I congratulate Andreas Fleischmann very warmly on this great award. It shows appreciation for his work as a scientist, but at the same time highlights the importance of natural history collections as a basis for assessing the state of our environment. After all, in order to recognize and interpret change, we need a view into the past – and reconstructing this is one of the core tasks of Bavaria’s State Natural History Collections.”
Andreas Fleischmann has been a scientist at the Bavarian State Collection for Botany since 2014, as well as a private lecturer in Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants at the LMU Munich since 2021. Since 2020, Fleischmann has held the first chair of the Bavarian Botanical Society. The botanist conducts research in particular on carnivorous, parasitic, and mycoheterotrophic plants, as well as on paleobotanical topics.
Laudation For Dr. Andreas Fleischmann:
PD Dr. Andreas Fleischmann
Botanische Staatssammlung München (SNSB-BSM)
Menzinger Straße 67, 80638 München
Tel: 089 17861 240, E-Mail: fleischmann