Dr. Konstanze Bensch
Section Collections Online , Section Fungi

Bavarian State Collection for Botany
Research interests
My research emphasis is the taxonomy, nomenclature, biodiversity and phylogeny of hyphomycetes and ascomycetous fungi. Therein the economically important phytopathogenic groups of Cladosporiun s. l. and the powdery mildews (Erysiphales) are objects of current projects. The efforts also include biodiversity informatics.
Current projects
- Scientific data curation, MycoBank (in cooperation with LIAS names), financed by the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute
- Revision of the genus Cladosporium Link currently comprising more than 800 names
- Collaboration within DiversityMobile Setting up an Information Network on Biological Research Data gained in the Field up to the Sustainable Storage in a Primary Data Repository (I-B-F)
- Scientific supervision for several SNSB digitalisation stations run within the GBIF-D Node Fungi & Lichens
- Scientific coordination, data curation and process management within the frame of the Global Plants Initiative lichen and fungus project
- Scientific data curation of Erysiphales within LIAS A Global Information System for Lichenized and Non-lichenized Ascomycetes (see LIAS descriptions for around 650 Erysiphales taxa and LIAS NaviKey on Erysiphaceae) and LIAS names A Database with Names of Lichens, Lichenicolous Fungi and Non-Lichenized Ascomycetes (ca. 2,400 names of Erysiphales)
- Scientific data curation, DiversityCollection
- User help desk, DiversityTaxonNames, e. g. in the IDES and GFBio context
For publications check DALI