Dipl.-Inf. Wolfgang Reichert
Section Collections Online

Bavarian State Collection for Botany
Senior Software Developer
IT Center of the Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns
Research interests
Biodiversity informatics, software development
Current and former projects
- Coordination Office for Conservation Issues concerning the Native Flora in Bavaria
- Coordination Office for the Bavarian Flora
- Diversity GIS
- DiversityMobile (IBF) Setting up an Information Network on Biological Research Data gained in the Field up to the Sustainable Storage in a Primary Data Repository
- Diversity Workbench Framework
- DWB and Concept Development for a Flora Flora of Bavaria – Data management in the DWB network and concept development for a flora
- DWB and FIS-Natur Data Management and Workflow Services, Diversity Workbench and the Bavarian Information System for Nature Conservation
- GBIF-D Fungi & Lichens
- GBOL German Barcode of Life; DWB Web Editor
- GFBio German Federation for Biological Data
- IDES Integrated data management for mobilisation and digitalisation of zoological and palaeontological collections
- LIAS A Global Information System for Lichenized and Non-lichenized Ascomycetes
For publications check DALI.