
This list of genera was made in June 2024 according to Plants of the World Online, Stevens 2001 onwards (APWeb), Randriarisoa et al. 2023, Smedmark et al. 2007 and Swenson et al. 2023. This list includes only genera present in our herbaria: M and MSB.

All genera (accepted in Bold)Stored underSynonyms included
Abebaia Baehni
Achras L.Manilkara Adans.
Achrouteria Eyma
Afrosersalisia A.Chev.Synsepalum (A.DC.) Daniell
Amorphospermum F.Muell.
Aningeria Aubrév. & Pellegr.
Argania Roem. & Schult.Sideroxylon L.
Autranella A.Chev.
Bequaertiodendron De Wild.Englerophytum K.Krause
Bumelia Sw.Sideroxylon L.
Burckella Pierre
Butyrospermum KotschyVitellaria C.F.Gaertn.
Chloroluma Baill. (Prev. under Chrysophyllum L.)
Chromolucuma Ducke
Chrysophyllum L.
Cornuella Pierre (Prev. under Chrysophyllum L.)
Cryptogyne Hook.f.Sideroxylon L.
Dipholis A.DC.Sideroxylon L.
Diploknema Pierre (prev. under Madhuca Buch.-Ham. ex J.F.Gmel.)
Diploon Cronquist
Donella Pierre ex Baill.
Ecclinusa Mart.
Elaeoluma Baill.
Englerella Pierre
Englerophytum K.Krause Bequaertiodendron De Wild., Wildemaniodoxa Aubrév. & Pellegr., Zeyherella (Engl.) Pierre ex Aubrév. & Pellegr.
Franchetella PierrePouteria Aubl.
Gambeya Pierre
Ganua DubardMadhuca Buch.-Ham. ex J.F.Gmel.
Gluema Aubrév. & Pellegr.
Glycoxylon DuckePradosia Liais
Inhambanella Dubard
Labatia Swartz (prev. under Pouteria Aubl.)
Labourdonnaisia Bojer
Lucuma Molina
Madhuca Buch.-Ham. ex J.F.Gmel. Ganua Dubard
Magodendron Vink
Malacantha Pierre
Manilkara Adans. Achras L.
Martiusella Pierre
Mastichodendron (Engl.) H.J.LamSideroxylon L.
Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre
Mimusops L.
Neolemonniera Heine
Niemeyera F.Muell.
Northea Hook.fNorthia Hook.f
Northia Hook.f.Northea Hook.f
Omphalocarpum P.Beauv.
Oxythece Miq.Pouteria Aubl.
Pachystela Pierre ex Radlk.Synsepalum (A.DC.) Daniell
Palaquium Blanco
Payena A.DC.
Peteniodendron Lundell (prev. under Pouteria)
Planchonella Pierre
Pleioluma (Baill.) Baehni
Pouteria Aubl. Franchetella Pierre, Oxythece Miq., Richardella Pierre
Pradosia Liais Glycoxylon Ducke
Prieurella Pierre (Prev. under Chrysophyllum L.)
Pycnandra Benth.
Ragala Pierre (Prev. under Chrysophyllum L.)
Reptonia A.DC.Sideroxylon L.
Richardella PierrePouteria Aubl.
Sarcaulus Radlk.
Sarcosperma Hook.f
Sersalisia R.Br.
Sideroxylon L. Argania Roem. & Schult., Bumelia Sw., Cryptogyne Hook.f., Dipholis A.DC., Mastichodendron (Engl.) H.J.Lam, Reptonia A.DC.
Synsepalum (A.DC.) DaniellAfrosersalisia A.Chev., Pachystela Pierre ex Radlk., Vincentella Pierre
Tieghemella Pierre
Tridesmostemon Engl.
Vincentella PierreSynsepalum (A.DC.) Daniell
Vitellaria C.F.Gaertn.Butyrospermum Kotschy
Vitellariopsis (Baill.) Dubard
Wildemaniodoxa Aubrév. & Pellegr.Englerophytum K.Krause
Xantolis Raf.
Zeyherella (Engl.) Pierre ex Aubrév. & Pellegr.Englerophytum K.Krause


  • Randriarisoa, A., Naciri, Y., Armstrong, K., Boluda, C.G., Dafreville, S., Pouchon, C. and Gautier, L. (2023). One in, one out: Generic circumscription within subtribe Manilkarinae (Sapotaceae). Taxon, 72: 98-125.
  • Smedmark, J.E., Anderberg, A.A. (2007). Boreotropical migration explains hybridization between geographically distant lineages in the pantropical clade Sideroxyleae (Sapotaceae). American Journal of Botany, 94(9):1491-505. https://doi: 10.3732/ajb.94.9.1491.
  • Stevens, P. F. (2001 onwards). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 14, July 2017 [and more or less continuously updated since].
  • Swenson, U., Lepschi, B., Lowry, P.P., II, Terra-Araujo, M.H., Santos, K., Nylinder, S. and Alves-Araújo, A. (2023), Reassessment of generic boundaries in Neotropical Chrysophylloideae (Sapotaceae): Eleven reinstated genera and narrowed circumscriptions of Chrysophyllum and Pouteria. Taxon, 72: 307-359.

Foto: Pouteria Aubl. © Suvrat Kotagal