
This list of genera was made in January 2025 according to World Flora Online, Plants of the World Online, Stevens 2001 onwards (APWeb), Hassler (1994 – 2025), Neel & Cummings (2004), Olmstead (2021), Schneider (2016), Xia et al. 2009 and Xia et al. 2021. This list includes only genera present in our herbaria: M and MSB.

All genera (accepted genera in bold)Stored underSynonyms included
Aeginetia L.
Agalinis Raf. (prev. under Gerardia Benth.)Gerardia L.
Alectra Thunb.
Anisantherina Pennell
Aphyllon Mitch. (prev. under Orobanche L.)
Asepalum Marais (prev. under Cyclocheilon Oliv.)
Aureolaria Raf. (prev. under Gerardia L., Dasistoma Raf.)
Bartsia L.
Bartsiella BolligerOdontites Ludw.
Baumia Engl. & Gilg
Bellardia All.
Bornmuellerantha Rothm.Odontites Ludw.
Boschniakia C.A.Mey. ex Bongard
Boulardia F.W.Schultz (prev. under Orobanche L.)
Brachystigma Pennell (prev. under Gerardia Benth.)
Brandisia Hook.f. & Thomson
Buchnera L.Eylesia S.Moore
Bungea C.A.Mey.
Buttonia McKen ex Benth.
Castilleja Mutis ex L.f.
Centranthera R.Br.
Chloropyron Behr (prev. under Cordylanthus Nutt. ex Benth.)
Christisonia Gardner
Cistanche Hoffmanns. & Link
Conopholis Wallr.
Cordylanthus Nutt. ex Benth.
Cyclocheilon Oliv.
Cycniopsis Engl.
Cycnium E.Mey. ex Benth.
Cymbaria L.
Dasistoma Raf.
Epifagus Nutt.
Escobedia Ruiz & Pav.
Esterhazya J.C.Mikan
Euphrasia L.Siphonidium J.B.Armstr.
Eylesia S.MooreBuchnera L.
Gerardia Benth.Agalinis Raf.
Gerardiina Engl.
Ghikaea Volkens & Schweinf.
Graderia Benth.
Harveya Hook.
Hedbergia Molau (prev. under Bartsia L.)
Hiernia S.Moore
Hyobanche L.
Kopsiopsis (Beck) Beck (prev. under Boschniakia C.A.Mey. ex Bongard)
Lamourouxia Kunth
Lathraea L.
Leptorhabdos Schrenk ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
Leucosalpa Scott Elliot
Lindenbergia Lehm.
Macranthera Nutt. ex Benth.
Mannagettaea Harry Sm.
Melampyrum L.
Melasma P.J.Bergius
Micrargeria Benth.
Neobartsia Uribe-Convers & Tank (prev. under Bartsia L.)
Nesogenes A.DC.
Nothobartsia Bolliger & Molau (prev. under Bartsia L.)
Nothochilus Radlk.
Odontitella Rothm.
Odontites Ludw.Bartsiella Boll., Bornmuellerantha Rothmaler
Omphalotrix Maxim.
Orobanche L.
Orthocarpus Nutt.
Parasopubia H.-P.Hofm. & Eb.Fisch. (prev. under Sopubia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don)
Parentucellia Viv.
Pedicularis L.
Petitmenginia Bonati (prev. under Sopubia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don)
Phelipanche Pomel (prev. under Orobanche L.)
Phelypaea Tourn. ex L.
Phtheirospermum Bunge ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
Physocalyx Pohl
Pseudosopubia Engl.
Pterygiella Oliv.
Radamaea Benth.
Rehmannia Libosch. ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
Rhamphicarpa Benth.
Rhinanthus L.
Rhynchocorys Griseb.
Schwalbea L.
Seymeria Pursh
Silvia Benth.
Silviella Pennell (prev. under Silvia Benth.)
Siphonidium J.B.Armstr.Euphrasia L.
Siphonostegia Benth.
Sopubia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don
Striga Lour.
Thunbergianthus Engl.
Tozzia L.
Triaenophora Soler.
Triphysaria Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
Vellosiella Baill.
Xylanche Beck
Xylocalyx Balf.f.


  • Hassler, Michael (1994 – 2025): World Plants. Synonymic Checklist and Distribution of the World Flora. Version 25.01; last update January 12th, 2025. – www.worldplants.de. Last accessed 20/01/2025.
  • Neel, M.C., Cummings, M.P. (2004). Section-level relationships of North American Agalinis (Orobanchaceae) based on DNA sequence analysis of three chloroplast gene regions. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 4, 15. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2148-4-15
  • Olmstead, R.G. (2021). A Synoptical Classification of the Lamiales, Version 2.7.3
  • Schneider, A.C. (2016). Resurrection of the genus Aphyllon for New World broomrapes (Orobanche s.l., Orobanchaceae). PhytoKeys, 75, 107-118. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.75.10473
  • Stevens, P. F. (2001 onwards). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 14, July 2017 [and more or less continuously updated since].
  • Xia, Z., Wang, Y-Z, Smith, J.F. (2009). Familial placement and relations of Rehmannia and Triaenophora (Scrophulariaceae s.l.) inferred from five gene regions. American Journal of Botany, 96(2), 519-30. https://doi.org/10.3732/ajb.0800195
  • Xia, Z., Li, C-C-, Wen, J., Wang, Y-Z. (2021). Rehmannieae or Rehmanniaceae? Evidence from plastome sequences and floral morphology, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 196 (2), 145–162, https://doi.org/10.1093/botlinnean/boaa105 

Foto: Euphrasia L. © Suvrat Kotagal