Microfungi Exsiccati

The Collection
“Exsiccata” is defined as a series of “published, uniform, numbered sets of preserved specimens distributed with printed labels” (Pfister 1985). Starting with the end of the 18th century more than 2,000 exsiccatal series of this type were issued. They are devoted to various thematic subjects within botany and mycology (for details see IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae).
The exsiccatal series “Microfungi Exsiccati” is such a series distributed by the Botanische Staatssammlung München (M). It started in 1991, issued by Dagmar Triebel, technically assisted by Diane Falkenberg. The exsiccata is devoted to microfungi and fungal-like organisms of all phylogenetic groups and includes taxa that have been collected rarely before and which are scarcely represented in the herbaria: Ascomycetes with small ascomata, phytopathogenic Basidiomycetes; furthermore corticioid and tremelloid Basidiomycetes, as well as mitosporic fungi, Chytridiomycetes, Oomycetes and Myxomycetes. The material is derived from nearly 40 countries of all continents apart from Antarctica with a focus on Central European countries.
Each collection of “Microfungi Exsiccati” comprises twenty duplicate specimens. Meanwhile, the material pool comprises more than 900 different taxa (c. 18,000 dried specimens). 700 taxa (14,000 specimens) of these have been handed out. The material is dispensed on an exchange basis to selected general or national herbaria in a number of countries (actually to the herbaria B, BPI, CANB, DAOM, FH, GZU, H, HAL, HMAS, LE, M, MA, NMW, PRM, TNS, UPS).
The labels and notes to the specimens, as well as short communications referring in some kind to the distributed material are published in the journal Arnoldia (ISSN 0940-8371; volumes 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 22, 25, 27).
We thank more than 200 contributors and specialists for collecting, determining and revising material within the last twenty years.
Data Project and Service
The data project “Microfungi Exsiccati” was established by Dr. Dagmar Triebel with technical assistance from D. Falkenberg, I. Sebek and more recently T. Weibulat. It is work in progress. “Microfungi Exsiccati” uses Diversity Workbench components.
Currently the data project “Microfungi Exsiccati” is set up without any support from external funding agencies. It is maintained and expanded by staff members of the Botanische Staatssammlung München. Notices of errors of any kind are much appreciated by the editorial staff here. Technical support is provided by the Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns, IT Center.
The Dataset: “The Exsiccatal Series Triebel, Microfungi exsiccati” as accessible via the GBIF portal and – if not stated otherwise – its supporting files have been copyrighted © 1995–2022 by the SNSB – Botanische Staatssammlung München, Department of Mycology.
to GBIF Portal, Dataset BSMmicrofexscoll
to BPS Local Query Tool, Dataset BSMmicrofexscoll
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