
This list of genera was made in April 2024 according to the most recent APWeb1 classification. This list includes only genera present in our herbaria: M and MSB.

All genera (accepted genera in bold)Stored under (end of folder)Synonyms included
Adelanthus Endl. Pyrenacantha Wight
Alsodeiidium Engl. Alsodeiopsis Oliver
Alsodeiopsis Oliv.Alsodeiidium Engl.
Casimirella Hassl.
Cavanilla Thunb. Pyrenacantha Wight
Chlamydocarya Baill. Pyrenacantha Wight
Desmostachys Miers
Endacanthus Baill. Pyrenacantha Wight
Gynocephalum Blume Phytocrene Wallich
Icacina A.JussieuThollonia Baill.
Iodes BlumePolyporandra Becc.
Jenkinsia Griff.Miquelia Meisn.
Lavigeria Pierre
Leretia Vell.
Mappia Jacq.
Miquelia Meisn.Jenkinsia Griff.
Moldenhauera Spreng. Pyrenacantha Wight
Natsiatum Arnott
Nothapodytes Blume
Phytocrene Wall. Gynocephalum Blume
Polycephalium Engl. Pyrenacantha Wight
Polyporandra Becc. Iodes Blume [+ variant spellings]
Pyrenacantha WightAdelanthus Endl., Cavanilla Thunb., Chlamydocarya Baill., Endacanthus Baill., Moldenhauera Sprenge, Polycephalium Engl., Trematosperma Urb.
Rhyticaryum Beccari
Sarcostigma Wight & Arn.
Stachyanthus Engl.
Thollonia Baill. Icacina A.Juss.
Trematosperma Urb. Pyrenacantha Wight


  1. Stevens, P. F. (2001 onwards). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 14, July 2017 [and more or less continuously updated since].

Foto: Pyrenacantha Wight © Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah