
This list of genera was made in September 2024 according to World Flora Online, Plants of the World Online, Stevens 2001 onwards (APWeb), Calió et al. 2017, Díaz Lifante et al. 2023, Favre et al. 2024, Gomes et al. 2022, Merckx et al. 2013, Sugumaran & Wong (2012), and Wong & Sugumaran (2012). This list includes only genera present in our herbaria: M and MSB.

All genera (accepted genera in bold)Stored underSynonyms included
Adenolisianthus (Spruce ex Progel) Gilg (Prev. under Irlbachia Mart.)
Anthocleista Afzel. ex R.Br.
Bartonia Muhl. ex Willd.Swertia L.
Belmontia E.Mey.Sebaea Sol. ex R.Br.
Bisgoeppertia Kuntze
Blackstonia Huds.
Calolisianthus Gilg (Prev. under Irlbachia Mart.)
Canscora Lam.
Celiantha Maguire (Prev. under Lisianthius P.Browne)
Centaurium Hill
Chelonanthus (Griseb.) Gilg
Chironia L.
Chorisepalum Gleason & Wodehouse
Cicendia Adans. Microcala Hoffmanns. & Link
Comastoma Toyok. (Prev. under Gentiana Tourn. ex L.)Swertia L.
Cotylanthera BlumeExacum L.
Coutoubea Aubl.
Crawfurdia Wall.
Curtia Cham. & Schltdl.
Deianira Cham. & Schltdl.
Duplipetala Thiv (Prev. under Canscora Lam.)
Enicostema Blume
Eustoma Salisb.
Exaculum Caruel
Exacum L. Cotylanthera Blume
Exochaenium Griseb. (Prev. under Belmontia E.Mey.)
Fagraea Thunb.
Faroa Welw.
Frasera WalterSwertia L.
Geniostemon Engelm. & A.Gray
Gentiana Tourn. ex L.
Gentianella Moench (Prev. under Gentiana Tourn. ex L.)Swertia L.
Gentianopsis Ma (Prev. under Gentiana Tourn. ex L.)Pterygocalyx Maxim.
Gyrandra Griseb. (Prev. under Centaurium Hill)
Halenia Borkh.Swertia L.
Helia Mart.
Hoppea Willd.
Irlbachia Mart.
Ixanthus Griseb.
Jaeschkea KurzSwertia L.
Kuepferia Adr.Favre (Prev. under Gentiana Tourn. ex L.)
Lagenanthus Gilg
Lagenias E.Mey.
Leiphaimos Schltdl. & Cham.Voyria Aubl.
Lisianthius P.Browne
Lomatogonium A.Braun (incl. Lomatogoniopsis T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu)Swertia L.
Macrocarpaea (Griseb.) Gilg
Megacodon (Hemsl.) Harry Sm. (Prev. under Gentiana Tourn. ex L.)
Metagentiana T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu (Prev. under Gentiana Tourn. ex L.)
Microcala Hoffmanns. & LinkCicendia Adans.
Neurotheca Salisb. ex Benth. & Hook.f.
Orphium E.Mey.
Potalia Aubl.
Prepusa Mart.
Pterygocalyx Maxim. (Prev. under Crawfurdia Wall.)Gentianopsis Ma
Pycnosphaera Gilg
Sabatia Adans.
Schenkia Griseb. (Prev. under Centaurium Hill)
Schinziella Gilg
Schultesia Mart.
Sebaea Sol. ex R.Br. Belmontia E.Mey.
Swertia L. Bartonia Muhl. ex Willd., Comastoma Toyok., Frasera Walter, Gentianella Moench, Halenia Borkh., Jaeschkea Kurz, Lomatogonium A.Braun, Veratrilla Franch.
Symbolanthus G.Don
Tachia Aubl.
Tachiadenus Griseb.
Tapeinostemon Benth.
Tetrapollinia Maguire & B.M.Boom (Prev. under Irlbachia Mart.)
Tripterospermum Blume (Prev. under Gentiana Tourn. ex L.)
Urogentias Gilg & Gilg-Ben.
Veratrilla Franch.Swertia L.
Voyria Aubl.Leiphaimos Schltdl. & Cham.
Xestaea Griseb. (Prev. under Schultesia Mart.)
Zeltnera G.Mans. (Prev. under Centaurium Hill)
Zygostigma Griseb.


  • Calió, M.F., Lepis, K.B., Pirani, J.R., Struwe, L. (2017). Phylogeny of Helieae (Gentianaceae): Resolving taxonomic chaos in a Neotropical clade. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 106.
  • Díaz Lifante, Z., Escudero, M., Andrés Camacho, C., García llamas, C., Loureiro, J., Castro, S. (2023).  Phylogenetic, cytogenetic and morphological evidences are critical for recognizing a new genus: Valdesiana, an Iberian intergeneric allopolyploid between Schenkia and Exaculum. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 309, 30.
  • Favre, A., Matuszak, S., Sun, H., Liu, E., Yuan, Y., Muellner-Riehl, A.N. (2014). Two new genera of Gentianinae (Gentianaceae): Sinogentiana and Kuepferia supported by molecular phylogenetic evidence. Taxon, 63, 342-354.
  • Gomes, S.I.F., Kikuchi, I.A.B.S., Lachenaud, O., Perdomo, J., Léotard, G., Maas, P.J.M., Maas-van de Kamer, H., Merckx, V.S.F.T. (2022). Unravelling the species diversity, phylogeny and biogeography of the mycoheterotrophic Voyrieae (Gentianaceae) and the description of a new species. Taxon, 71, 1013-1024.
  • Merckx, V.S., Kissling, J., Hentrich, H., Janssens, S.B., Mennes, C.B., Specht, C.D., Smets, E.F. (2013). Phylogenetic relationships of the mycoheterotrophic genus Voyria and the implications for the biogeographic history of Gentianaceae. American Journal of Botany, 4,712-21.
  • Sugumaran, M., Wong, K.M. (2012). Studies in Malesian Gentianaceae I: Fagraea sensu lato―complex genus or several genera? A molecular phylogenetic study. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore. 64, 301-332.
  • Stevens, P. F. (2001 onwards). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 14, July 2017 [and more or less continuously updated since].
  • Wong, K.M., Sugumaran, M. (2012). Studies in Malesian Gentianaceae II: A taxonomic framework for the Fagraea complex, including the new genus Limahlania. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore. 64, 481-495.

Foto: Gentiana Tourn. ex L. © Ramón Vilalta-Pérez