Fascicle 25

602. Insolibasidium deformans (C. J. Gould) Oberw. & Bandoni
(Platygloeaceae – systematic position uncertain)
RUSSIA. Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin
Botanical Garden. 46°56’ N, 142°45’ E. Alt. c. 65 m. On living leaves of Lonicera morrowii A.
leg. V. Sheiko det. V. Mel’nik

603. Melampsora galanthi-fragilis Kleb. s. l. (0, I sp.) (Uredinales)
AUSTRIA. Niederösterreich, Bucklige Welt, c. 8.5 km SSE Neunkirchen, c. 1 km SSW of
Scheiblingkirchen, immediately E of the village Warth, western bottom of the Ofenberg Mtn
beside the river Pitten. 47°39’ N, 16°08’ E. Alt. 380 m. On leaves of Galanthus nivalis L.
leg. T. Barta, det. C. Scheuer

604. Melampsora rostrupii G. H. Wagner (0, I sp.) (Uredinales)
AUSTRIA. Steiermark, Grazer Bergland N of Graz, 1.2 km SSW of the village Semriach, ravine
“Kesselfallklamm”. 47°12’ N, 15°24’ E. Alt. 660 m. Gorge area with limestone rocks, shady and
wet conditions. On leaves of Mercurialis perennis L.
leg. W. Obermayer (no. 10672), det. C. Scheuer

605. Merismodes anomala (Pers. : Fr.) Sing. (Agaricales)
Cyphellopsis anomala (Pers. : Fr.) Donk
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, München city, Allach, forest “Allacher Forst”
N of the marshalling yard, SE of the housing development called Gerberau. 48°12’ N, 11°28’ E.
Alt. c. 500 m. On partly decorticated branches and twigs of Fagus sylvatica L., laying on the
leg. L. Beenken, det. P. Bodensteiner

606. Microbotryum silenes-inflatae (Liro) G. Deml & Oberw. (Microbotryales)
FINLAND. Tavastia australis, Valkeakoski, Sääksmäki, Voipaala. 61°10’ N, 24°05’ E. Alt. c.
120 m. Sori in anthers of Lychnis viscaria L.
leg. et det. P. Alanko (no. 55788)

607. Microbotryum succisae (Magnus) R. Bauer & Oberw. (Microbotryales)
SWEDEN. Dalarna, c. 6 km SE of Mora, near the lake Siljan. 61°00’ N, 14°38’ E. Alt. 162 m. Sori
in the anthers of Succisa pratensis Moench.
leg. et det. K. Vánky

608. Puccinia acetosae Koern. (II sp.) (Uredinales)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck,
c. 2 km NWW of the village Aich, Picea abies-forest between the villages Egg and Eitelsried, c.
500 m E of Egg. Amidst a forest aisle in a clear cutting. 48°11’ N, 11°10’ E. Alt. c. 540 m. On
leaves of Rumex acetosella L.
leg. G. Rambold

609. Puccinia aegopodii Röhl. (III sp.) (Uredinales)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, Landkreis Eichstätt, c. 7 km NE of Eichstätt,
c. 1.5 km NE of Buchenhüll, along main trail through the valley “Affental”. 48°55’ N, 11°16’ E.
Alt. c. 430 m. On leaves of Aegopodium podagraria L.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold

610. Puccinia allii (DC.) Rudolphi (II, III sp.) (Uredinales)
FRANCE. Dépt. Var, c. 7 km NE of Draguignan, c. 2 km S of Callas, c. 0.8 km ENE of the
camping area “les Blimouses”, road D 225. 43°35’ N, 6°32’ E. Alt.
c. 280 m. Roadside. On leaves of Allium ampeloprasum L. (det. F. Schuhwerk).
leg. D. Triebel

611. Puccinia cribrata Arthur & Cummins 0, (III) sp.
ITALY. Lombardia, Province of Brescia, c. 1.5 km WNW of Padenghe sul Garda, Monte dell’
Asino, western slope. 45°31’ N, 10°29’ E. Alt. c. 270 m. Submedi-terranean deciduous forest with
Ostrya carpinifolia Scop., Quercus sp., Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz and – as understorey – with
Anemone nemorosa L., Erythronium dens-canis L., Mercurialis perennis L., Ruscus aculeatus L.
and Vinca minor L. On the lower side of leaves of Vinca minor L. (det. F. Schuhwerk) associated
with Tuberculina sbrozzii Cavara & Sacc. (det. M. Lutz), causing prolongations.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold
Note: III sp. rarely present (see specimen located in M). Tuberculina sbrozzii Cavara & Sacc. is
The rust fungus grows intermixed with populations of Tranzschelia fusca (Pers.) Dietel
associated with Tuberculina persicina (Ditmar) Sacc. (det. M. Lutz) on Anemone and of
Uromyces erythronii (DC.) Pass. on Erythronium. They are distributed as Microf. Exs. no. 624
and no. 626.

612. Puccinia lagenophorae Cooke (I sp.) (Uredinales)
GERMANY. Nordrhein-Westfalen, Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf, Stadt Essen, Burgaltendorf,
wayside. 51°24’ N, 7°07’ E. Alt. 100 m. On stems and leaves, involucrella of Senecio vulgaris L.
leg. et det. G. B. Feige conf. M. Scholler

613. Puccinia luzulae-maximae Dietel (II sp.) (Uredinales)
GERMANY. Baden-Württemberg, Regierungsbezirk Freiburg, Schwarzwald, Landkreis
Ortenaukreis, c. 6 km NE of Ottenhöfen, nature reserve Hornisgrinde-Biberkessel, c. 1 km E of
the lake Mummelsee, c. 0.5 km NW of the roadhouse “Seibelseckle”, walking trail between
“Seibelseckle” and the inn “Biberkessel”, spruce forest at an eastern slope. 48°36’ N, 8°13’ E. Alt.
c. 990 m. Wayside. On leaves of Luzula sylvatica (Huds.) Gaudin (det. W. Lippert), heavily
mycopara-sitized by Sphaerellopsis filum (Biv. : Fr.) B. Sutton.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold

614. Puccinia nitidula Tranzschel (II, III sp.) (Uredinales)
MONGOLIA. Aimak Bayan-Olgiy, c. 10 km NNW of Tolbo, valley of the river Bort Gol. 48°32’ N,
90°17’ E. Alt. c. 1950 m. On leaves of Polygonum alpinum All. (det. H. Heklau).
leg. P. Scholz

615. Puccinia oenotherae Vize (I, II, III sp.) (Uredinales)
U.S.A. California, Riverside Co., Mojave Desert, transition zone between Mojave and Sonoran
deserts, Joshua Tree National Park, Pinto Basin Road through Wilson Canyon. 33°56’ N, 115°58’
W. Alt. 240 m. Desert scrub and annual wildflowers in dry desert wash. On leaves of Camissonia
(A. Gray) P. H. Raven (≡ Oenothera brevipes A. Gray) (det. B. Heindl-Tenhunen).
leg. G. Rambold
Note: A parallel collection of this fungus on Camissonia claviformis (Torr. & Frém.) P. H. Raven
is distributed as Microf. Exs. no. 616.

616. Puccinia oenotherae Vize I, (II, III) sp.
U.S.A. California, Riverside Co., Mojave Desert, transition zone between Mojave and Sonoran
deserts, Joshua Tree National Park, Pinto Basin Road through Wilson Canyon. 33°56’ N, 115°58’
W. Alt. 240 m. Desert scrub and annual wildflowers in dry desert wash. On leaves of Camissonia
(Torr. & Frém.) P. H. Raven (det. B. Heindl-Tenhunen).
leg. G. Rambold
Note: A parallel collection of this fungus on Camissonia brevipes (A. Gray) P. H. Raven (≡
Oenothera brevipes A. Gray) is distributed as Microf. Exs. no. 615.

617. Puccinia punctiformis (Str.) Röhl (0, II sp.) (Uredinales)
AUSTRIA. Salzburg, Pongau, valley Salzachtal, N of Bischofshofen, W of the Kreuzberg Mtn, SSW
of the house of misson called St. Rupert, shore of the river Salzach between the mouth of the river
Fischergraben and the area called Sinnhubschlößl. 47°26’ N, 13°13’ E. Alt. c. 540 m. On leaves
of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (det. H. Wittmann).
leg. H. Wittmann

618. Restiosporium dapsilanthi Vánky (Ustilaginales) – Isotypus
AUSTRALIA. Queensland, c. 900 km NW of Cairns, Cape York Peninsula, Northern Peninsula
Area, community Bamaga, near the airport. 11°51’ S, 146°29’ E. Alt. c. 10 m. Sori in the seeds of
Dapsilanthus elatior (R. Br.) B. G. Briggs & L. A. S. Johnson (≡ Leptocarpus elatior R. Br.) (det.
B. Waterhouse).
leg. R. G. Shivas, C. Vánky & K. Vánky
Note: For the original description see VÁNKY, Mycotaxon 85(1): 44–45, 48–50 (2003). The
holotype specimen is deposited in BRIP, isotype specimens are deposited in BPI (BPI 841710),
IMI, Herb. Vánky (HUV 19260) and distributed as Vánky, Ustil. Exs. no. 1149.

619. Resupinatus applicatus (Batsch : Fr.) Gray (Agaricales )
FRANCE. Dépt. Alpes Maritimes, c. 6 km NE of Grasse, road D 3 between Pre-du-Lac and
Gourdon, forest called “Bois de Garavague”, W of a factory for open cast mining of gravel.
43°42’ N, 6°58’ E. Alt. c. 720 m. Open mediterranean forest dominated by Pinus nigra J. F.
Arnold, P. pinaster Aiton and P. sylvestris L., with Quercus pubescens Willd. and Juniperus
L. On rotten wood.
leg. S. Raidl (no. SR 1172), P. Iosifidou & R. Verma det. P. Iosifidou & R. Verma; conf. M.

620. Sphacelotheca hydropiperis (Schum.) de Bary (Microbotryales)
JAPAN. Aomori Prefecture, W of Hirosaki city, Mtn Iwaki. 40°37’ N, 140°21’ E. Alt. c. 200 m.
Sori in flowers of Polygonum posumbu var. laxiflorum (Pall. ex Meisn.) Ohwi.
leg. Y. Harada & K. Vánkydet. K. Vánky

621. Sporisorium cruentum (J. G. Kühn) Vánky (Ustilaginales)
GREECE. Central Macedonia, Khalkidhiki, peninsula Kassandra, c. 5 km SSE of Nea Moudania,
c. 1 km N of the channel of Potidea, region E of the hotel “Potidea Palace” (E of the highway).
40°14’ N, 23°17’ E. Alt. 30 m. Wayside. Sori in the ovaries of Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (det.
H. Wittmann).
leg. H. Wittmann det. M. Piepenbring

622. Sporisorium cymbicum Vánky (Ustilaginales) – Isoparatypus
UGANDA. Busoga region, Iganga District, 50 km NNE of Iganga. 00°49’ N, 33°40’ E. Alt. c.
1155 m. Sori in the ovaries of Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle (det. M. Namaganda).
leg. M. Namaganda, C. Vánky & K. Vánky
Note: For the original description see VÁNKY K., Mycotaxon 85(1): 22–25 (2003). The paratype
specimen is deposited in HUV 19979.

623. Trachyspora intrusa (Grev.) Arth. (II, III sp.) (Uredinales)
AUSTRIA. Salzburg, Pinzgau, Kitzbüheler Alpen, valley Saalachtal (Glemmtal), Hinterglemm
Mtns, Lengau, Hinterlengau, meadow slope. 47°22’ N, 12°32’ E. Alt. 1260 m. On leaves of
Alchemilla monticola Opiz (det. W. Lippert).
leg. et det. T. Rücker

624. Tranzschelia fusca (Pers.) Dietel (0, III sp.) (Uredinales)
ITALY. Lombardia, Province of Brescia, c. 1.5 km WNW of Padenghe sul Garda, Monte dell’
Asino, western slope. 45°31’ N, 10°29’ E. Alt. c. 270 m. Submedi-terranean deciduous forest with
Ostrya carpinifolia Scop., Quercus sp., Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz and – as understorey – with
Anemone nemorosa L., Erythronium dens-canis L., Mercurialis perennis L., Ruscus aculeatus L.
and Vinca minor L. On leaves of Anemone nemorosa L. (det. F. Schuhwerk) associated with
Tuberculina persicina (Ditmar) Sacc. (det. M. Lutz), causing a prolongation of the petioles and a
deformation of the blades.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold conf. M. Lutz
Note: Tuberculina persicina (Ditmar) Sacc. is separated. The rust fungus grows intermixed with
populations of Puccinia cribrata Arthur & Cummins associated with Tuberculina sbrozzii Cavara
& Sacc. (det. M. Lutz) on Vinca and of Uromyces erythronii (DC.) Pass. on Erythronium. They
are distributed as Microf. Exs. no. 611 and no. 626. Some individuals of Anemone are also
infected by Urocystis anemones (Pers. : Pers.) G. Winter.

625. Triphragmiopsis laricina (W. F. Chiu) F. L. Tai (II, III sp.) (Uredinales)
RUSSIA. Far East, Primorskij Kraj, Ternejskij Rajon, c. 24 km NW of the settlement Ternej,
Sikhote-Alin nature reserve, forestry district (cordon) Blagodatnoe (Maisa). 45°05’ N,
136°35’ E. Alt. c. 100 m. On needles of Larix cajanderi Mayr.
8.IX.1993leg. Y. Ono, Z. M. Azbukina, M. Kakishima & S. Kaneko det. Y. Ono

626. Uromyces erythronii (DC.) Pass. (0), I, III sp.
ITALY. Lombardia, Province of Brescia, c. 1.5 km WNW of Padenghe sul Garda, Monte dell’
Asino, western slope. 45°31’ N, 10°29’ E. Alt. c. 270 m. Submedi-terranean deciduous forest with
Ostrya carpinifolia Scop., Quercus sp., Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz and – as understorey – with
Anemone nemorosa L., Erythronium dens-canis L., Mercurialis perennis L., Ruscus aculeatus L.
and Vinca minor L. On leaves of Erythronium dens-canis L. (det. W. Lippert).
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold
Note: The rust fungus grows intermixed with populations of Puccinia cribrata Arthur &
Cummins associated with Tuberculina sbrozzii Cavara & Sacc. (det. M. Lutz) on Vinca and of
Tranzschelia fusca (Pers.) Dietel associated with Tuberculina persicina (Ditmar) Sacc. (det. M.
Lutz) on Anemone. They are distributed as Microf. Exs. no. 611 and no. 624.

627. Uromyces verbasci Niessl I, (III) sp.
AUSTRIA. Oberösterreich, Traunviertel, valley of the Traun, Lambach, c. 0.6 km ESE of the
chapter-house Lambach, building site of the hydroelectric power station, near the dairy-farm of
the chapter. 48°05’ N, 13°53’ E. Alt. c. 350 m. Plant community of ruderals. On leaves of
Verbascum phlomoides L. (det. H. Wittmann).
leg. H. Wittmann
Note: III sp. rarely present (see specimen located in M)