Carl von Linné
Linnean Specimens at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
The specimens in M are duplicates of the Linnean collections housed in the Linnean herbarium at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm (S-LINN) and at The Linnean Society of London (LINN). They arrived at M as part of the herbarium of J. C. D. von Schreber, a late student of Linné. The examples shown here were checked for authenticity by C. Jarvis (see Linnaean Plant Name Typification Project).
Pedicularis hirsuta L
Recognisably a Linnean sheet and very likely from Linné’s herbarium. In particular, the “10” at the base of the sheet likely is in Linné’s handwriting. This sheet should be compared with two in London, LINN – 763.22 and 763.23. The M sheet, like the two in LINN, would have been original material for Pedicularis hirsuta L. (Species Plantarum: 606. 1753). The name still appears to be untypified. – Comments by C. Jarvis, 2003.

Salvia hispanica L.
Almost certainly from Linné’s herbarium. In particular, the “16” at the base of the sheet likely is in Linné’s handwriting and is in the usual place on the sheet. This sheet should be compared with the London sheet LINN – 42.29, which shows the same placement of the collection number, although the LINN sheet also has “hispanica” added by Linné. The M sheet, like that in LINN, would have been original material for Salvia hispanica L. (Species Plantarum: 25. 1753). The type for this name appears to be a Tabernaemontanus plate (see Wood & Harley, Kew. Bull. 44: 225. 1989). – Comments by C. Jarvis, 2003.

For an overview of his collection, see Bionomia.