Boraginaceae s.str.

This list of genera was made in April 2024 according to Plants of the World Online, Stevens 2001 onwards (APWeb), Chacón et al., 2016, Khoshsokhan-Mozaffar et al., 2018, Luebert et al., 2016, Nasim et al., 2017 and Selvi et al., 2017. This list includes only genera present in our herbaria: M and MSB.

All genera (accepted genera in bold)Stored underSynonyms included
Actinocarya Benth.Microula Benth.
Adelinia J.I.Cohen
Aegonychon Gray (prev. under Lithospermum L.)
Afrotysonia Rauschert
Alkanna Tausch
Allocarya GreenePlagiobothrys Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
Amsinckia Lehm.
Anchusa L.
Anoplocaryum Ledeb.
Antiotrema Hand.-Mazz.
Antiphytum DC. ex Meisn.
Arnebia Forssk.Macrotomia DC.
Asperugo L.
Borago L.
Bothriospermum Bunge
Brachybotrys Maxim. ex Oliv.
Brunnera Steven
Buglossoides Moench
Caccinia Savi
Cerinthe L.
Craniospermum Lehm.
Cryptantha Lehm. ex G.DonEremocarya Greene, Greeneocharis Gürke & Harms
Cynoglossum L.Ivanjohnstonia Kazmi, Kuschakewiczia Regel & M.Smirn., Lindelofia Lehm., Mattiastrum (Boiss.) Brand, Paracaryum Boiss, Pardoglossum Barbier & Mathez, Rindera Pall., Solenanthus Ledeb., Trachelanthus Kunze
Cynoglottis (Gușul.) Vural & Kit Tan
Cystostemon Balf.f.Vaupelia Brand
Decalepidanthus Riedl (prev. under Pseudomertensia Riedl)Pseudomertensia Riedl
Echiochilon Desf.Sericostoma Stocks
Echioides OrtegaHuynhia Greuter
Echiostachys Levyns
Echium L.
Elizaldia Willk.Nonea Medik.
Eremocarya GreeneCryptantha Lehm. ex G.Don
Eritrichium Schrad. ex Gaudin
Gastrocotyle Bunge
Glandora D.C.Thomas, Weigend & Hilger
Greeneocharis Gürke & HarmsCryptantha Lehm. ex G.Don
Hackelia Opiz (prev under Lappula Moench.)
Halacsya Dörfl.
Harpagonella A.Gray
Havilandia StapfTrigonotis Steven
Heterocaryum A.DC.
Huynhia Greuter (prev. under Echinoides Ortega)Echioides Ortega
Iberodes M.Serrano, R.Carbajal & S.Ortiz
Ivanjohnstonia KazmiCynoglossum L.
Kuschakewiczia Regel & M.Smirn.Cynoglossum L.
Lappula MoenchOmphalolappula Brand, Lepechiniella Popov, Sclerocaryopsis Brand
Lasiocaryum I.M.Johnst.
Lepechiniella PopovLappula Moench
Lindelofia Lehm.Cynoglossum L.
Lithodora Griseb.
Lithospermum L.Macromeria D.Don, Onosmodium Michx., Psilolaemus I.M.Johnst.
Lobostemon Lehm.
Lycopsis L. (prev. under Anchusa L.)
Macromeria D.DonLithospermum L.
Macrotomia DC.Arnebia Forssk.
Maharanga DC. (prev. under Onosma L.)
Mairetis I.M.Johnst.
Mattiastrum (Boiss.) BrandCynoglossum L.
Megacaryon Boiss.
Megastoma Bonnet & BaratteOgastemma Brummitt
Mertensia Roth
Microcaryum I.M.Johnst.
Microparacaryum (Popov ex Riedl) Hilger & Podlech
Microula Benth.Actinocarya Benth.
Mimophytum Greenm.
Moltkia Lehm.
Moltkiopsis I.M.Johnst.
Moritzia DC. ex Meisn.
Myosotidium Hook.
Myosotis L.Trigonocaryum Trautv.
Neatostema I.M.Johnst.
Nesocaryum I.M.Johnst.
Nihon A.Otero, Jim.Mejías, Valcárcel & P.Vargas
Nonea Medik.Elizaldia Willk.
Ogastemma BrummittMegastoma Bonnet & Baratte
Omphalodes Mill.
Omphalolappula BrandLappula Moench
Onosma L.
Onosmodium Michx.Lithospermum L.
Oreocarya GreeneCryptantha Lehm. ex G.Don
Paracaryum Boiss.Cynoglossum L.
Paraskevia W.Sauer & G.SauerPulmonaria L.
Pardoglossum Barbier & MathezCynoglossum L.
Pectocarya DC. ex Meisn.
Pentaglottis Tausch
Phyllocara Guşul.
Plagiobothrys Fisch. & C.A.Mey.Allocarya Greene
Pontechium Böhle & Hilger
Procopiania Gușul.Symphytum L.
Pseudoheterocaryum Kaz.Osaloo & Saadati
Pseudolappula Khoshsokhan & Kaz.Osaloo (prev. under Lappula sinaica (A.DC.) Asch. & Schweinf.)
Pseudomertensia RiedlDecalepidanthus Riedl
Psilolaemus I.M.Johnst.Lithospermum L.
Pulmonaria L.Paraskevia W.Sauer & G.Sauer
Rindera Pall.Cynoglossum L.
Rochelia Rchb.
Sclerocaryopsis BrandLappula Moench
Selkirkia Hemsl.
Sericostoma StocksEchiochilon Desf.
Solenanthus Ledeb.Cynoglossum L.
Stenosolenium Turcz. (prev. under Arnebia Forsk.)
Suchtelenia Kar. ex Meisn.
Symphytum L.Procopiania Guşul.
Thaumatocaryon Baill. (prev. under Antiphytum DC)
Thyrocarpus Hance
Trachelanthus KunzeCynoglossum L.
Trachystemon D.Don
Trichodesma R.Br.
Trigonocaryum Trautv.Myosotis L.
Trigonotis StevenHavilandia Stapf
Vaupelia BrandCystostemon Balf.f.


  • Chacón, J., Luebert, F., Hilger, H.H., Ovchinnikova, S., Selvi, F., Cecchi, L., Guilliams, C.M., Hasenstab-Lehman, K., Sutorý, K., Simpson, M.G. and Weigend, M. (2016). The borage family (Boraginaceae s.str.): A revised infrafamilial classification based on new phylogenetic evidence, with emphasis on the placement of some enigmatic genera. Taxon, 65: 523-546.
  • Luebert, F., Cecchi, L., Frohlich, M.W., Gottschling, M., Guilliams, C.M., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E., Hilger, H.H., Miller, J.S., Mittelbach, M., Nazaire, M., Nepi, M., Nocentini, D., Ober, D., Olmstead, R.G., Selvi, F., Simpson, M.G., Sutorý, K., Valdés, B., Walden, G.K. and Weigend, M. (2016). Familial classification of the Boraginales. Taxon, 65: 502-522.
  • Khoshsokhan-Mozaffar, M., Sherafati, M., Kazempour-Osaloo, S. (2018). Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Rochelieae (Boraginaceae, Cynoglossoideae) with special reference to Lappula. Annales Botanici Fennici, 55(4-6), 293-308.
  • Nasim, S., Khoshsokhan-Mozaffar, M., Mahboubeh, S., Kazempour-Osaloo, S. (2017). Pseudoheterocaryum, a new genus segregated from Heterocaryum (Boraginaceae) on the basis of molecular data. Australian Systematic Botany 30, 105-111.
  • Selvi, F., Cecchi, L., Hilger, H. H., & Coppi, A. (2017). A reappraisal of the genus Megacaryon (Boraginaceae, Lithospermeae) based on molecular, morphological, and karyological evidence. Systematics and Biodiversity, 15(6), 552–563.
  • Stevens, P. F. (2001 onwards). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 14, July 2017 [and more or less continuously updated since].

Foto: Myosotis L. © Luo Chen