
This list of genera was made in January 2025 according to World Flora Online, Plants of the World Online, Stevens 2001 onwards (APWeb), Gómez-Domínguez et al., 2021, Olmstead 2021 and Ragsag et al., 2021. This list includes only genera present in our herbaria: M and MSB.

All genera (accepted genera in bold)Stored underSynonyms included
Adenocalymma Mart. ex Meisn.Memora Miers, Neojobertia Baill., Odontotecoma Bureau & K.Schum.
Amphicome (R.Br.) G.DonIncarvillea Juss.
Amphilophium KunthDistictella Kuntze, Glaziova Bureau, Macrodiscus Bureau, Phaedranthus Miers, Pithecoctenium Mart. ex DC., Urbanolophium Melch.
Amphitecna MiersEnallagma (Miers) Baill., Neotuerckheimia Donn.Sm.
Anemopaegma Mart. ex Meisn.Pseudopaegma Urb.
Argylia D.Don
Arrabidaea DC.Fridericia Mart.
Astianthus D.Don
Bignonia L.Clytostoma Miers ex Bureau, Cydista Miers, Macranthisiphon Bureau ex K.Schum., Mussatia Bureau ex Baill., Phryganocydia Mart. ex Bureau, Saritaea Dugand
Callichlamys Miq.
Campsidium Seem.
Campsis Lour.
Catalpa Scop.
Catophractes D.Don
Ceratophytum PittierTanaecium Sw.
Chilopsis D.Don
Clytostoma Miers ex BureauBignonia L.
Colea Bojer ex Meisn.Ophiocolea H.Perrier
Couralia Splitg.Tabebuia Gomes ex DC.
Crescentia L.
Cuspidaria DC.Saldanhaea Bureau, Setilobus Baill.
Cybistax Mart. ex Meisn.
Cydista MiersBignonia L.
Delostoma D.Don
Deplanchea Vieill.
Digomphia Benth.Jacaranda Juss.
Distictella KuntzeAmphilophium Kunth
Dolichandra Cham.Doxantha Miers, Macfadyena A.DC., Melloa Bureau, Parabignonia Bureau ex K.Schum.
Dolichandrone (Fenzl) Seem.
Doxantha MiersDolichandra Cham.
Eccremocarpus Ruiz & Pav.
Enallagma (Miers) Baill.Amphitecna Miers
Fernandoa Welw. ex Seem.
Fridericia Mart.Arrabidaea DC., Neomacfadya Baill., Petastoma Miers
Glaziova BureauAmphilophium Kunth
Godmania Hemsl.
Handroanthus Mattos (prev. under Couralia Splitg., Tabebuia Gomes ex DC., Tecoma Juss.)
Haussmannia F.Muell.Neosepicaea Diels
Heterophragma DC.
Incarvillea Juss.Amphicome (R.Br.) G.Don
Jacaranda Juss.Digomphia Benth.
Kigelia DC.
Lamiodendron Steenis
Leucocalantha Barb.Rodr.Pachyptera DC. ex Meisn.
Lundia DC.
Macfadyena A.DC.Dolichandra Cham.
Macranthisiphon Bureau ex K.Schum.Bignonia L.
Macrodiscus BureauAmphilophium Kunth
Manaosella J.C.Gomes
Mansoa DC.Onohualcoa Lundell, Pseudocalymma A. Samp. & Kuhlmann
Markhamia Seem. ex Baill.
Martinella Baill.
Mayodendron KurzRadermachera Zoll. & Moritzi
Melloa BureauDolichandra Cham.
Memora MiersAdenocalymma Meisner
Millingtonia L.f.
Mussatia Bureau ex Baill.Bignonia L.
Neojobertia Baill.Adenocalymma Mart. ex Meisn.
Neomacfadya Baill.Fridericia Mart.
Neosepicaea Diels (prev. under Haussmannia F.Muell.)
Neotuerckheimia Donn.Sm.Amphitecna Miers
Newbouldia Seem. ex Bureau
Odontotecoma Bureau & K.Schum.Adenocalymma Mart. ex Meisn.
Onohualcoa LundellMansoa DC.
Ophiocolea H.PerrierColea Bojer ex Meisn.
Oroxylum Vent.
Pachyptera DC. ex Meisn. (prev. under Mansoa DC.)Leucocalantha Barb.Rodr.
Pandorea Spach
Parabignonia Bureau ex K.Schum.Dolichandra Cham.
Paragonia BureauTanaecium Sw.
Parmentiera DC.
Perianthomega Bureau ex Baill.
Petastoma MiersFridericia Mart.
Phaedranthus MiersAmphilophium Kunth
Phryganocydia Mart. ex BureauBignonia L.
Phyllarthron DC.
Pithecoctenium Mart. ex DC.Amphilophium Kunth
Pleonotoma Miers
Podranea Sprague
Pseudopaegma Urb.Anemopaegma Mart. ex Meisn.
Pyrostegia C.Presl
Radermachera Zoll. & MoritziMayodendron Kurz
Rhigozum Burch.
Rhodocolea Baill.
Roseodendron Miranda (prev. under Tabebuia Gomez ex DC.)
Saldanhaea BureauCuspidaria DC.
Saritaea DugandBignonia L.
Setilobus Baill.Cuspidaria DC.
Siphocolea Baill.Stereospermum Cham.
Sparattosperma Mart. ex Meisn.
Spathicalyx J.C.GomesTanaecium Sw.
Spathodea P.Beauv.
Stereospermum Cham.Siphocolea Baill.
Stizophyllum Miers
Tabebuia Gomes ex DC.Couralia Splitg.
Tanaecium Sw.Ceratophytum Pittier, Paragonia Bureau, Spathicalyx J.C.Gomes
Tecoma Juss.
Tecomanthe Baill.
Tecomaria Spach
Tecomella Seem.
Tourrettia Foug.
Tynanthus Miers
Urbanolophium Melch.Amphilophium Kunth
Xylophragma Sprague
Zeyheria Mart.


  • Gómez-Domínguez, H., Ortiz-Rodríguez, A.E., Velasco-Espino, D., Hernández-Burguete, R. (2021) Taxonomic updates in Amphitecna (Bignoniaceae): A new Mexican species and the re-establishment of the giant-leaved A. megalophylla. PhytoKeys 171, 75-90.
  • Olmstead, R.G. (2021) A Synoptical Classification of the Lamiales, Version 2.7.3
  • Ragsac, A.C., Grose, S.O., Olmstead, R.G. (2021). Phylogeny and systematics of Crescentieae (Bignoniaceae), a neotropical clade of cauliflorous and bat-pollinated trees. Systematic Botany, 46(1), 218-228.
  • Stevens, P. F. (2001 onwards) Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 14, July 2017 [and more or less continuously updated since].

Foto: Amphitecna Miers © Suvrat Kotagal