
This list of genera was made in February 2025 according to World Flora Online, Plants of the World Online, Stevens 2001 onwards (APWeb), Darbyshire et al. 2022, Manzitto-Tripp et al. 2022 and Meeuse & de Wet (1961). This list includes only genera present in our herbaria: M and MSB.

All genera (accepted genera in bold)Stored underSynonyms included
Acanthopale C.B.Clarke
Acanthopsis Harv.
Acanthus L.
Aechmanthera Nees Strobilanthes Blume
Afromendoncia Gilg ex Lindau Mendoncia Vell. ex Vand.
Andrographis Wall. ex Nees
Angkalanthus Balf.f.
Anisacanthus Nees
Anisosepalum E.Hossain (prev. under Staurogyne Wall.)
Anisostachya Nees
Anisotes NeesChlamydostachya Mildbr.
Anomacanthus R.D.Good Gilletiella De Wild. & T.Durand
Anthacanthus Nees Oplonia Raf.
Aphelandra R.Br.Geissomeria Lindl.
Ascotheca Heine
Asteracantha Nees Hygrophila R.Br.
Asystasia BlumeAsystasiella Lindau
Avicennia L.
Asystasiella Lindau Asystasia Blume
Aulojusticia Lindau Justicia L.
Ballochia Balf.f.
Barleria L.
Barleriola Oerst.
Beloperone Nees Justicia L.
Blechum P.Browne Ruellia L.
Blepharis Juss.Trichacanthus Zoll. & Moritzi
Borneacanthus Bremek.
Boutonia DC.
Brachystephanus NeesOreacanthus Benth
Bravaisia DC.
Brillantaisia P.Beauv.
Brunoniella Bremek. (prev. under Ruellia L.
Buceragenia Greenm. Pseuderanthemum Radlk.
Calacanthus T.Anderson ex Benth.
Calycacanthus K.Schum.
Carlowrightia A.Gray
Chaetacanthus Nees Dyschoriste Nees in Wall.
Chaetochlamys Lindau Justicia L.
Chaetothylax Nees Justicia L.
Chamaeranthemum Nees
Champluviera I.Darbysh., T.F.Daniel & Kiel (prev. under Schaueria Nees)
Chileranthemum Oerst. (prev. under Jacobinia Moric.
Chlamydacanthus Lindau
Chlamydocardia Lindau
Chlamydostachya Mildbr. Anisotes Nees
Chorisochora Vollesen (prev. under Angkalanthus Balf.f.)
Chroesthes Benoist (prev. under Asystasia Blume)
Clinacanthus Nees
Clistax Mart.
Codonacanthus Nees
Corymbostachys Lindau Anisostachya Nees
Crabbea Harv.
Crossandra Salisb.
Cryptophragmium NeesGymnostachyum Nees
Cynarospermum Vollesen (prev. under Blepharis Juss.)
Cystacanthus T.Anderson Phlogacanthus Nees
Dianthera L. Justicia L.
Dicliptera Juss.Peristrophe Nees
Dinteracanthus (prev. under Ruellia L.)
Drejerella Lindau Justicia L.
Dischistocalyx T.Anderson ex Benth.
Duosperma Dayton
Duvernoia E.Mey. ex Nees Justicia L.
Dyschoriste NeesChaetacanthus Nees
Ecbolium Kurz
Echinacanthus Nees
Elytraria Michx.
Epiclastopelma LindauMimulopsis Schweinf.
Eranthemum L.
Eremomastax Lindau
Fittonia Coem.
Gatesia A.Gray Yeatesia Small
Geissomeria Lindl. Aphelandra R.Br.
Gilletiella De Wild. & T.Durand Anomacanthus R.D.Good
Glossochilus Nees
Graptophyllum Nees
Gymnostachyum Nees (prev. under Cryptophragmium Nees)
Habracanthus Nees Stenostephanus Nees
Hansteinia Oerst.Stenostephanus Nees
Haplanthodes Kuntze (prev. under Haplanthus Nees)
Haplanthus Nees
Harpochilus Nees
Hemigraphis Nees Strobilanthes Blume
Henrya Benth. (prev. under Tetramerium Nees)
Herpetacanthus Nees
Hulemacanthus S.Moore
Hygrophila R.Br.Asteracantha Nees, Nomaphila Blume, Synnema Benth
Hypoestes Sol. ex R.Br.
Isoglossa Oerst.Schliebenia Mildbr.
Jacobinia Nees ex Moric. Justicia L.
Justicia L.Aulojusticia Lindau, Beloperone Nees, Chaetochlamys Lindau, Chaetothylax Nees, Dianthera L., Duvernoia E.Mey. ex Nees, Jacobinia Nees ex Moric., Nicoteba Lindau, Porphyrocoma Scheidw. ex Hook., Rhacodiscus Lindau, Rhaphidospora Nees, Rostellularia Rchb., Siphonoglossa Oerst., Thamnojusticia Mildbr.
Kalbreyeriella LindauStenostephanus Nees
Kolobochilus Lindau Stenostephanus Nees
Kosmosiphon Lindau
Lankesteria Lindl.
Lepidagathis Willd.Lophostachys Pohl
Leptosiphonium F.Muell. (prev. under Ruellia L.)
Linariantha B.L.Burtt & R.M.Sm.
Lophostachys PohlLepidagathis Willd.
Louteridium S.Watson
Mackaya Harv.
Macrorungia C.B.Clarke Metarungia Baden
Megalochlamys Lindau
Megaskepasma Lindau
Meiosperma Raf.Monechma Hochst.
Mellera S.Moore
Mendoncia Vell. ex Vand.Afromendoncia Gilg ex Lindau, Monachochlamys Baker
Metarungia BadenMacrorungia C.B.Clarke
Meyenia Nees
Mimulopsis Schweinf.Epiclastopelma Lindau
Mirandea Rzed. (prev. under Justicia L.)
Monachochlamys Baker Mendoncia Vell. ex Vand.
Monechma Hochst. Meiosperma Raf.
Monothecium Hochst.
Nelsonia R.Br.
Neriacanthus Benth.
Neuracanthus Nees
Nicoteba Lindau Justicia L.
Nomaphila Blume Hygrophila R.Br.
Odontonema Nees
Oplonia Raf. (prev. under Anthacanthus Nees, Eranthemum L.)Anthacanthus Nees
Oreacanthus Benth.Brachystephanus Nees
Pachystachys Nees
Pararuellia Bremek. & Nann.-Bremek. (prev. under Ruellia L.)
Peristrophe Nees Dicliptera Juss.
Petalidium Nees
Phaulopsis Willd.
Phlogacanthus NeesCystacanthus T.Anderson
Pogonospermum Hochst. (prev. under Adhatoda Mill., Justicia L., Monechma Hochst.)Schwabea Endl.
Poikilacanthus Lindau
Porphyrocoma Scheidw. ex Hook.Justicia L.
Pseuderanthemum Radlk.Buceragenia Greenm.
Pseudoblepharis Baill. Sclerochiton Harv.
Pseudocalyx Radlk.
Psilanthele Lindau
Pteracanthus (Nees) Bremek. Strobilanthes Blume
Ptyssiglottis T.Anderson
Razisea Oerst.Stenostephanus Nees
Rhacodiscus Lindau Justicia L.
Rhaphidospora Nees Justicia L.
Rhinacanthus Nees
Rostellularia Rchb. Justicia L.
Ruellia L.Blechum P. Brown, Spirostigma Nees
Ruelliopsis C.B.Clarke
Rungia Nees
Ruspolia Lindau
Ruttya Harv.
Salpixantha Hook.
Sanchezia Ruiz & Pav.
Satanocrater Schweinf.
Schaueria Nees
Schliebenia Mildbr. Isoglossa Oerst.
Schwabea Endl. Pogonospermum Hochst.
Sclerochiton Harv.Pseudoblepharis Baill
Sericocalyx Bremek. Strobilanthes Blume
Siphonoglossa Oerst.Justicia L.
Spathacanthus Baill.
Sphinctacanthus Benth.
Spirostigma Nees Ruellia L.
Staurogyne Wall.
Stenandriopsis S.Moore
Stenandrium Nees
Stenosiphonium NeesStrobilanthes Blume
Stenostephanus NeesHabracanthus Nees, Hansteinia Oerst., Kalbreyeriella Lindau, Kolobochilus Lindau, Razisea Oerst.
Streblacanthus Kuntze
Streptosiphon Mildbr.
Strobilanthes BlumeAechmanthera, Hemigraphis, Pteracanthus, Sericocalyx, Stenosiphonium
Strobilanthopsis S.Moore
Stylarthropus Baill. = WhitfieldiaWhitfieldia Hook.
Suessenguthia Merxm.
Synnema Benth. Hygrophila R.Br.
Tetramerium Nees
Thamnojusticia Mildbr. Justicia L.
Thunbergia Retz.
Thyrsacanthus Moric. (prev. under Anisacanthus Nees, Carlowrightia A.Gray)
Trichacanthus Zoll. & MoritziBlepharis Juss.
Trichanthera Kunth
Trichocalyx Balf.f.
Whitfieldia Hook.Stylarthropus Baill.
Yeatesia Small Gatesia A.Gray


  • Darbyshire, I., Kiel, C.A., Chase, F.M., Manzitto-Tripp, E.A. (2022). The demise of Monechma: new combinations and a new classification in the resurrected genera Meiosperma and Pogonospermum (Acanthaceae). Kew Bulletin 77, 249–270.
  • Manzitto-Tripp, E.A., Darbyshire, I., Daniel, T.F., Kiel, C.A. and McDade, L.A. (2022). Revised classification of Acanthaceae and worldwide dichotomous keys. TAXON 71, 103-153.
  • Meeuse, A.D.J. & de Wet, J.M.J. (1961). × Ruttyruspolia, a natural intergeneric hybrid in Acanthaceae. Bothalia 7, 440.
  • Stevens, P. F. (2001 onwards). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 14, July 2017 [and more or less continuously updated since].

Foto: Thunbergia Retz. © Suvrat Kotagal