Fascicle 23

551. Melittangium lichenicola (Thaxt.) McCurdy (Myxobacterales)
ITALY. Calabria, Province of Catanzaro, c. 3 km E of Briatico, region W of Vibo Marina, camping area “Eden Park”. 38°43’ N, 16°05’ E. Alt. c. 10 m. On thallus and apothecia of Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. on bark of Populus sp., occurring together with Badhamiopsis ainoae (Yashimoro) Brooks & Keller (det. L. Krieglsteiner).
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold
conf. M. Schnittler

552. Badhamia panicea (Fr.) Rostaf. (Physarales)
GERMANY. Baden-Württemberg, Regierungsbezirk Karlsruhe, Landkreis Rastatt, c. 6 km NW of Bühl, former bog called “Abtsmoor” north of the village Kinzhurst. 48°44’ N, 8°06’ E. Alt. c.130 m. On fallen trunk of Populus sp.
leg. H. Neubert (M 5465)
det. N. E. Nannenga-Bremekamp (16.245)

553. Peronospora arthurii Farlow (Peronosporales)
GERMANY. Nordrhein-Westfalen, Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf, Stadt Essen, Burgaltendorf, private garden. 51°25’ N, 7°08’ E. Alt. 100 m. On leaves of Oenothera biennis L.
leg. G. B. Feige
det. N. Ale-Agha
Note: The copy of an ink drawing made by N. Ale-Agha is added.

554. Peronospora fulva Syd. (Peronosporales)
GERMANY. Sachsen, Regierungsbezirk Chemnitz, Erzgebirge Mtns, Landkreis Annaberg, c. 3 km NW of Schlettau, nature reserve “Moor an der Roten Pfütze”. 50°34’ N, 12°55’ E. Alt. 600 m. Wet meadows. On leaves of Lathyrus pratensis L.
leg. et det. W. Dietrich

555. Arthonia peltigerina (Almq.) H. Olivier (Arthoniales)
RUSSIA. Sakha-Yakutiya Republic, Yakutiya, Lena River delta, 8 km W of the Krest-Tumsa cape, Samoilovskii (= D’ieleekh Aryyta) island, elevated bank of the island. 72°22’ N, 126°29’ E. Alt. 10 m. Dryas-lichen-forb-moss tundra in mesic to dry moisture conditions. Torf or sandy soil. On old and partly decaying thallus and apothecia of Peltigera rufescens (Weiss) Humb., particularly abundant at the lobes and apothecial margins, including their lower sides.
leg. et det. M. Zhurbenko (no. 98102)
Note (by M. ZHURBENKO, St. Petersburg, Russia): ZHURBENKO & SANTESSON, Herzogia 12: 150 (1996) stressed one of the differences between Arthonia peltigerina and A. peltigerea Th. Fr.: Apothecia of A. peltigerina are associated with lobe margins, while those of A. peltigerea are located in their centre. As seen from the material distributed here the character is not always appropriate to distinguish the two species: Apothecia of A. peltigerina may well spread from the margins to the centre of the host lobes.

556. Ciboria caucus (Rebent.) Fuckel (Helotiales)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, München city, Nymphenburg, Botanical
Garden, edge of the area “Arboretum” beside the area “Moor”. 48°10’ N, 11°30’ E. Alt. c. 520 m.
On overwintered male catkins of Alnus japonica Steudel, laying on the ground.
leg. et det. L. Beenken
Note (by L. BEENKEN, München, Germany): The material fits well with the description of the
species given in BARAL & KRIEGLSTEINER, Zeitschr. Mykol., Beih. 6: 13 (1985).

557. Cordyceps ophioglossoides (Ehrenb.) Link (Hypocreales)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberfranken, c. 3.5 km SW of city centre Bayreuth, 0.5 km
E of the road between Bayreuth and Mistelbach, 0.5 km W of the village Hardt, SE exposed slope
of Hermannsberg Mtn. 49°55’ N, 11°31’ E. Alt. c. 410 m. Moos pillow in pinewood.
leg. D. Peršoh (no. 0009)
det. L. Beenken
Note: Cordyceps ophioglossoides grows on species of Elaphomyces Nees, but the material
distributed here was collected without the host fungus.

558. Dothidasteromella systema-solare (Massee) H. J. Swart (Asterinaceae –
systematic position uncertain)
AUSTRALIA. Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, 4 km NW of Capital Hill, Canberra, Black
Mountains, Australian National Botanic Gardens, Acton. 35°17’ S, 149°05’ E. Alt. 640 m.
Maintained garden beds on a gentle slope (section 24). On living leaves of Banksia conferta var.
penicillata A. S. George, associated with an indetermined hyphomycete on lower leaf surfaces.
leg. H. Streimann (no. 60231)
det. J. E. Taylor

559. Dothidasteromella systema-solare (Massee) H. J. Swart (Asterinaceae –
systematic position uncertain)
AUSTRALIA. Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, 4 km NW of Capital Hill, Canberra, Black
Mountains, Australian National Botanic Gardens, Acton. 35°17’ S, 149°05’ E. Alt. 640 m.
Maintained garden beds on a gentle slope (section 27B). On living leaves of Banksia spinulosa
var. collina (R. Br.) A. S. George.
leg. H. Streimann (no. 60234)
det. J. E. Taylor

560. Endomyces decipiens Reess (Saccharomycetales)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, München city, Obermenzing, Quercusdominated mixed forest “Kapuzinerhölzl”, N of the Botanical Garden. 48°10’ N, 11°30’ E. Alt. c.
520 m. Stump of Quercus rubra L. In the lamellae of rotten basidiocarps of Armillaria mellea
(Vahl : Fr.) P. Kumm. agg., causing gall-like swellings.
leg. et det. L. Beenken

561. Erysiphe adunca (Wallr. : Fr.) Fr. var. adunca (Erysiphales)
Uncinula adunca (Wallr. : Fr.) Lév. var. adunca
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, Landkreis Freising, W of railway, car park of
roadhouse Fürholzen beside highway E6 (A9). 48°20’ N, 11°37’ E. Alt. c. 510 m. On leaves of
Salix sp.
leg. J. Poelt, G. Rambold & D. Triebel; conf. O. Foitzik

562. Erysiphe adunca (Wallr. : Fr.) Fr. var. regularis (R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen) U. Braun
Uncinula adunca (Wallr. : Fr.) Lév. var. regularis (R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen)
U. Braun
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, München city, Schwabing, backyard of the
building Erich-Kästner-Str. 19. 48°10’ N, 11°34’ E. Alt. c. 510 m. On decaying leaves of Salix
L. (det. F. Schuhwerk), laying on the ground.
leg. D. Triebel & U. Triebel
conf. U. Braun

563. Erysiphe clandestina Biv. (Erysiphales)
Uncinula clandestina (Biv.) Schroeter
GERMANY. Sachsen, Regierungsbezirk Leipzig, Leipzig city, municipal district Dölitz, western
edge of the park “Agrapark”, lawn adjacent to the trunk road “B2”. 51°17’ N, 12°23’ E. Alt. c.
115 m. On leaves of Ulmus sp. (cult.).
leg. H. Boyle, P. Otto & N. Luschka

564. Erysiphe flexuosa (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takam. (Erysiphales)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberfranken, Bayreuth, 3.25 km SW Bayreuth, N of the hill
“Buchstein”, near the creek “Mistelbach“. 49°56’ N, 11°32’ E. Alt. c. 355 m. Small woodland with
hedgerows. On leaves of Aesculus hippocastanum L. Leaves with leaf mines of Cameraria
Deschka & Dimić (Lepidoptera).
leg. A. Kehl & G. Rambold
det. C. Kainz

565. Erysiphe flexuosa (Peck) U. Braun & S. Takam. (Erysiphales)
FRANCE. Dépt. Isère, La Mure, southern district, near the grammar school “Lycée”. 44°54’ N,
5°51’ E. Alt. c. 860 m. Park with several ornamental trees of Aesculus. On leaves of Aesculus sp.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold

566. Golovinomyces cichoracearum (DC.) V. P. Gelyuta var. cichoracearum (Erysiphales)
Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. var. cichoracearum
AUSTRIA. Kärnten, Hohe Tauern, southern part of the Goldberg-Gruppe Mtns, c. 5.5 km WNW of
Außerfragant, trail between the village Innerfragant and the hut “Fraganter Hütte”, near the creek
“Großer Fragant Bach”. 46°57’ N, 13°03’ E. Alt. c. 1600 m. On stems and leaves of Senecio
ovatus (Gärtner, Meyer & Scherb.) Willd. (det. F. Schuhwerk).
leg. H. Hertel (no. 38340) & M. Hertel
Notes: Host plants were growing intermixed with Doronicum austriacum Jacq. infected by
Podosphaera fusca (Fr.) U. Braun & N. Shiskoff. The fungus is distributed as Microf. Exs. no.

567. Golovinomyces galii (S. Blumer) V. P. Gelyuta var. galii (Erysiphales)
Erysiphe galii S. Blumer var. galii
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, München city, urban district Grünwald,
Neugrünwald, walking trail along the raised bank of the river Isar. 48°03’ N, 11°32’ E. Alt. c.
570 m. On leaves and stems of Galium sylvaticum L.
leg. G. Rambold
det. C. Kainz

568. Golovinomyces orontii (Castagne) V. P. Gelyuta (Oidium-state)
Erysiphe orontii Castagne
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, München city, Schwabing, building
Clemensstraße 99. 48°10’ N, 11°34’ E. Alt. c. 510 m. Flower pot on balcony. On leaves and stems
of Viola × wittrockiana Gams (cultivated hybrid).
leg. D. Triebel

569. Hysterium pulicare Pers. : Fr. (Dothideales)
FRANCE. Dépt. Alpes Maritimes, c. 5.5 km WSW of Vence, c. 1.5 km SW of Tourrettes-sur-Loup,
camping area “Camping la Camassade” with Olea europaea L., Prunus domestica L. agg. and
Quercus pubescens Willd. 43°42’ N, 7°03’ E. Alt. 320 m. On bark of Quercus pubescens Willd.
(det. F. Schuhwerk) at the height of c. 1.5–2 m.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold

570. Johansonia amadelpha (Syd.) Arx (Saccardiaceae – systematic position
AUSTRALIA. Queensland, 19 km SW of Cape Weymouth (9 km NW of Lockhart River
Settlement), Gordon Creek. 12°43’ S, 143°18’ E. Alt. 130 m. Edge of monsoon forest and
Eucalyptus woodland with moderate shrub understorey. On the lower side of leaves of exposed
saplings of Tristaniopsissp. (det. H. Streimann), growing together with Meliolina aff. australiensis
S. Hughes (det. S. J. Hughes).
leg. H. Streimann (no. 56603)
det. J. E. Taylor
Note: Meliolina aff. australiensis S. Hughes is distributed as Microf. Exs. no. 578.

571. Leptosphaeria acuta (Fr.) P. Karst. (Dothideales)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, Landkreis Eichstätt, c. 5 km E of Eichstätt,
walking trail at the northern bank of the river Altmühl, between Landershofen and Pfünz, c. 1 km
SW of Pfünz. 48°53’ N, 11°15’ E. Alt. c. 380 m. On dead stems of Urtica dioica L.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold

572. Leveillula taurica (Lév.) G. Arnaud (Erysiphales)
GERMANY. Bayern, München city, Schwabing, roadside of the Schleißheimer Straße, c. 50 m NNE
of the crossing of Schleißheimer Straße and Hohenzollern-straße. 48°09’ N, 11°34’ E. Alt. c.
510 m. On leaves and stems of Arctium tomentosum Mill. (det. W. Lippert).
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold
det. K. Schubert

573. Lichenostigma diploiciae Calatayud, Nav.-Ros. & Hafellner (Dothideales)
– Isotypus
SPAIN. Andalucia, province of Almeria, region Cabo de Gata, close to the town San José, beach
“Playa de Monsul”. 36°44’ N, 02°07’ W (estimation). Alt. 15 m. Volcanic rocks. On thallus and
apothecia of Diploicia subcanescens (Werner) Hafellner & Poelt.
leg. V. Calatayud (no. 73) & C. Trescoli
Note: For the original description see CALATAYUD, NAVARRO-ROSINÉS & HAFELLNER, Mycol.
Res. 106(10): 1231–1232, figs 1–11, 45 (2002). The holotype specimen is deposited in BCCLich. The exsiccatal number for Microf. Exs. given in the original description was preliminary
and is not correct.

574. Lichenostigma gracilis Calatayud, Nav.-Ros. & Hafellner (Dothideales)
– Isotypus
SPAIN. Comunidad Valenciana, province of Castelló, Desert de les Palmes Mtn., close to the town
Benicàssim, mountain area called Agulles de Santa Àgueda. 40°04’ N, 0°03’ E. Alt. 300 m.
Sandstone. On thallus of Acarospora fuscata (Nyl.) Arnold.
leg. V. Calatayud (no. 72) & C. Trescoli
Note: For the original description see CALATAYUD, NAVARRO-ROSINÉS & HAFELLNER, Mycol.
Res. 106(10): 1235–1237, figs 19–27, 47 (2002). The holotype specimen is deposited in GZU.
The exsiccatal number for Microf. Exs. given in the original description was preliminary and is
not correct.

575. Lichenostigma rouxii Nav.-Ros., Calatayud & Hafellner (Dothideales)
SPAIN. Comunidad Valenciana, province of València, c. 8.5 km W of Bétera, small town La Pobla
de Vallbona, mountain area called Pla dels Alchups. 39°38’ N, 0°31’ W. Alt. 150 m. Clayey soil.
On thallus of Squamarina cartilaginea (With.) P. James.
leg. et det. V. Calatayud (no. 74)
Note: The species is described by CALATAYUD, NAVARRO-ROSINÉS & HAFELLNER, Mycol. Res.
106(10): 1237–1238, figs 28–36, 48 (2002). The material distributed here was cited in that paper,
but with an incorrect exsiccatal number.