Fascicle 22
526. Tremella lichenicola Diederich (Tremellales)
GERMANY. Rheinland-Pfalz, Regierungsbezirk Trier, Landkreis Bitburg, Schnee-Eifel, c. 15 km N of Prüm, NE of forest house “Schneifel”. 50°18′ N, 6°26′ E. Alt. 590 m. Fagus-dominated forest (Luzulo-Fagetum Meus.). Bark of Fagus sylvatica L. On the thallus of Mycoblastus fucatus (Stirt.) Zahlbr.
leg. et det. V. John, conf. P. Diederich
527. Uromyces geranii (DC.) Fr. [(II), III sp.] (Uredinales)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, München city, Allach, northern part of the forest “Angerlohe”, near the school for the training of police dogs, meadows at the woodside. 48°11′ N, 11°29′ E. Alt. c. 510 m. On leaves of Geranium palustre L.
leg. L. Beenken, det. P. Zwetko
528. Uromyces kabatianus Bubák [II, (III) sp.] (Uredinales)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberpfalz, Regensburg-Steinweg, the southern embankment of the Rhein-Main-Donau-Kanal at km 2380.7, top and S-side of the dam. 49°02′ N, 12°05′ E. Alt. c. 330 m. On leaves of Geranium pyrenaicum Burm. f. (det. F. Schuhwerk).
leg. F. Schuhwerk (no. 91/186-2)
det. P. Zwetko
529. Uromyces lycoctoni (Kalchbr.) Trotter [(0) I sp.] (Uredinales)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, München city, Allach, forest “Allacher Forst”, c. 200 m NNE of the underpass of the marshalling yard München-Nord. 48°12′ N, 11°28′ E. Alt. c. 500 m. On leaves and stems of Aconitum vulparia Rehb.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold
det. P. Zwetko
530. Ustilago bistortarum (DC.) Körn. (Ustilaginales)
SWEDEN. Jämtland, c. 15 km SE of Storlien, village Enafors, along the roadside at the railway station. 63°19′ N, 12°20′ E. Alt. c. 530 m. Sori in the inflorescences of Polygonum viviparum L.
leg. et det. O. Holdenrieder
531. Ampelomyces quisqualis Ces. ex Schlecht. (Coelomycetes)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, München city, Schwabing, crossing of Clemensstraße and Erich Kästner Straße. 48°10′ N, 11°34′ E. Alt. c. 510 m. Hyperparasitizing Arthocladiella mougeotii (Lev.) Vassilkov on leaves of Lycium barbarum L. (det. F. Schuhwerk).
leg. G. Rambold
Note: Arthocladiella mougeotii (Lev.) Vassilkov was recollected from the same shrub in 1999 and distributed as Microf. Exs. 452.
532. Arthrinium cuspidatum (Cooke & Harkn.) Höhn. (Hyphomycetes)
SWEDEN. Jämtland, c. 15 km SE of Storlien, c. 0.5 km NW of the railway station of the village Enafors, bog. 63°19′ N, 12°20′ E. Alt. c. 530 m. On overwintered leaves of Juncus sp.
leg. et det. O. Holdenrieder
533. Cercospora violae Sacc. (Hyphomycetes)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, Landkreis Eichstätt, valley Hessental, bottom of the eastern slope of the valley. 48°53′ N, 11°13′ E. Alt. c. 450 m. On leaves of Viola hirta L. (det. W. von Brackel). Some individuals of Viola are also infected by Urocystis violae (Sowerby) A. A. Fisch. Waldh.
leg. D. Triebel
Note: Urocystis violae (Sowerby) A. A. Fisch. Waldh. (Tilletiales) was separated.
534. Cladosporium exoasci Lindau (Hyphomycetes)
GERMANY. Sachsen-Anhalt, Regierungsbezirk Halle, Halle city, Botanical Garden. 51°29′ N, 11°59′ E. Alt. c. 110 m. On fruits of Prunus cerasus L. (= Cerasus vulgaris Mill.), infected in the previous season, but still attached to the tree.
leg. et det. U. Braun
535. Cladosporium iridis (Fautrey & Roum.) G. A. de Vries (Hyphomycetes)
= Heterosporium gracile Sacc.
GERMANY. Nordrhein-Westfalen, Regierungsbezirk Duisburg, Hamborn, municipal district Obermarxloh, road Waldecker Straße, private garden (Bohlens garden). 51°31′ N, 6°47′ E. Alt. c. 25 m. On leaves of Iris germanica L.
leg. et det. N. Ale-Agha
conf. J. David
536. Coleophoma oleae (DC.) Petr. & Syd. (Coelomycetes)
≡ Macrophoma oleae (DC.) Berl. & Voglino
FRANCE. Dépt. Var, Haute Siagne, c. 3.5 km S of Fayence, 1.5 km N of village St-Paul-en-forêt, area “Trestaure” NE of the camping site “le Parc”. 43°35′ N, 6°41′ E. Alt. c. 280 m. Cultivation of Olea europaea L. On fallen overwintered leaves of Olea europaea L.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold
conf. U. Braun
537. Deightoniella arundinacea (Corda) S. Hughes (Hyphomycetes)
RUSSIA. Leningradskaya Oblast′, Kingisepp District, c. 8 km S of Kingisepp, c. 300 m apart from the village Porkhovo, at the left bank of the river Luga. 59°18′ N, 28°37′ E. Alt. c. 30 m. Mixed forest near a swamp. On living leaves of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel.
leg. et det. V. Mel′nik
Note: Parallel material was distributed as [SCHEUER,] Mycotheca Graecensis no. 223.
538. Everniicola flexispora D. Hawksw. (Coelomycetes)
RUSSIA. Komi Republic, Northern Ural area, Pechora-Ilych state reserve, 165 km ESE Troitsko-Pechorsk, upper stream of Pechora river, valley between Medvezh′ya and Yanypupuner Mtns, spruce forest. 62°05′ N, 59°06′ E. Alt. 500 m. Huge stone pillars of diabase-conglomerate, over rocks. On the upper thallus surface of Nephroma arcticum (L.) Torss., forming conspicuous circular necrotic spots surrounded by a dark rim.
leg. et det. M. Zhurbenko (no. 9786)
Note: The host lichen was separated and distributed as OBERMAYER, Lichenotheca Graecensis no. 206.
539. Gloeosporidiella nobilis (Sacc.) B. Sutton (Coelomycetes)
ITALY. Campania, Province of Napoli, Isola d′Ischia, Ischia Porto, Communal Parc. 40°48′ N, 13°58′ E. Alt. c. 20 m. On leaves of Laurus nobilis L. (cultivated), partly accompanied by Cladosporium cf. cladosporoides (Fresen.) G. A. de Vries.
leg. et det. U. Braun
Note (by U. BRAUN, Halle/S., Germany): The Cladosporium-species found as an accompanying fungus on most leaf spots is close to C. cladosporioides, but the ramo-conidia are 0-3(-4)-septate, whereas typical collections have 0-1-septate ones.
540. Marchandiomyces corallinus (Roberge) Diederich & D. Hawksw. (Hyphomycetes)
FRANCE. Dépt. Var, Haute Siagne, c. 3.5 km S of Fayence, 1.5 km N of village St-Paul-en-forêt, area “Trestaure” NE of the camping site “le Parc”, rest of a Mediterranean forest dominated by Pinus sp. and Quercus pubescens Willd. 43°35′ N, 6°41′ E. Alt. c. 280 m. Bark of living trees of Quercus pubescens Willd. at c. 1.5–2 m height. On thallus and apothecia of Lecidella elaeochroma (Ach.) M. Choisy s. l. (sparse), Physcia adscendens (Fr.) H. Olivier, P. aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr. (sparse), P. semipinnata (J. F. Gmelin) Moberg and Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. (host lichens conf. H. Hertel).
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold
Note: Some thalli and apothecia of Xanthoria parietina are infected by Xanthoriicola physciae (Kalchbr.) D. Hawksw. This material was separated.
541. Melanconium pallescens Bäumler (Coelomycetes)
RUSSIA. Leningradskaya Oblast′, St. Petersburg city, c. 100 m S of the hotel “Pulvorsraya”. 59°54′ N, 30°16′ E. Alt. c. 20 m. Ornamental planting. On dying shoots of Cornus sanguinea L.
leg. et det. V. Mel′nik
542. Microsphaeropsis concentrica (Desm.) Morgan-Jones (Coelomycetes)
≡ Coniothyrium concentricum (Desm.) Sacc.
ITALY. Lombardia, Province of Brescia, region between Desenzano del Garda and Peschiera del Garda, c. 3 km S of Sirmione, NE of Colombare, camping site “Sirmione”, shore of the lake Lago di Garda. 45°28′ N, 10°37′ E. Alt. 70 m. Potted plants. On leaves of Yucca sp.
leg. G. Rambold
543. Phloeosporella padi (Lib.) Arx (Coelomycetes)
GERMANY. Rheinland-Pfalz, Regierungsbezirk Trier, Kell am See, at the edge of a car park. 49°38′ N, 6°48′ E. Alt. 520 m. Planted tree. On leaves of Prunus cerasus L. (= Cerasus vulgaris Mill.).
leg. et. det. U. Braun
Note: The meiosporic state Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx is not present in this collection.
544. Phlyctema vagabunda Desm. (Coelomycetes)
= Gloeosporium phillyreae Pass.
FRANCE. Dépt. Var, Haute Siagne, region W of the lake Lac de St. Cassien, c. 3.5 km SSW of Callian, N of Vallon du Couraire, walking trail E of a parking place at the road D 56. 43°35′ N, 6°44′ E. Alt. c. 250 m. Open Mediterranean forest with Quercus suber L. On leaves of samplings and shrubs of Phillyrea latifolia L. (det. F. Schuhwerk), associated with the cecidia of a gall midge (Cecidomyiidae).
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold, det. U. Braun
545. Polystigmina rubra (Desm.) Sacc. (Coelomycetes)
FRANCE. Dépt. Jura, Parc Naturel Régional Du Haut Jura, 4 km NNE of St-Claude, trail in brushwood just S of the village Cinquetral (“Les Vennes”). 46°25′ N, 5°53′ E. Alt. c. 800 m. On leaves of Prunus spinosa L.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold
Note: The meiosporic state Polystigma rubrum (Pers.) DC. (Phyllachorales) is not present in this collection.
546. Ramularia calcea Ces. (Hyphomycetes)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, München city, Nymphenburg, forest “Nymphenburger Schloßpark” near the chapel “Magdalenenkapelle”. 48°10′ N, 11°30′ E. Alt. 515 m. On the lower side of leaves of Pulmonaria officinalis L.
leg. D. Triebel
det. U. Braun
Note (by U. BRAUN, Halle/S., Germany): Pulmonaria officinalis is a new host species.
547. Ramularia lampsanae (Desm.) Sacc. (Hyphomycetes)
AUSTRIA. Steiermark, Grazer Bergland N of Graz, 1.5 km S of the village Semriach, along the path to the lower entrance of the ravine “Kesselfallklamm”. 47°12′ N, 15°25′ E. Alt. c. 550 m. Nutrient-rich shaded forest fringe. On leaves of Lapsana communis L., causing leaf spots.
leg. et det. C. Scheuer
Note (by C. SCHEUER, Graz, Austria): At first the leaf spots are pale green to yellow. Later the infected areas become necrotic.
548. Septoria unedonis Roberge ex Desm. (Coelomycetes)
ITALY. Campania, Province of Napoli, Isola d′Ischia, Ischia Porto, Communal Parc. 40°48′ N, 13°58′ E. Alt. c. 20 m. On leaves of Arbutus unedo L. (cultivated).
leg. et det. U. Braun
549. Sirococcus conigenus (DC.) P. F. Cannon & Minter (Coelomycetes)
= Sirococcus strobilinus Preuss
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, Landkreis Starnberg, 1.5 km SW of Leutstetten. 48°01′ N, 11°21′ E. Alt. c. 590 m. Picea abies-forest. On scales of old cones of Picea abies (L.) H. Karst., laying on the ground.
leg. D. Triebel & G. Rambold
550. Tilachlidium brachiatum (Batsch : Fr.) Petch (Hyphomycetes)
GERMANY. Bayern, Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck, c. 6 km SSW of Fürstenfeldbruck, c. 2 km SE of the village Schöngeising, 1 km S of the small village Holzhausen, mixed forest with Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies “Bernrieder Wald”, wayside. 48°08′ N, 11°14′ E. Alt. 580 m. On old, decaying agaricoid fungus with lamellae.
7.IX.1998 leg. et det. C. Hahn (no. CH 236/98)
Note: The meiosporic state is Pseudonectria tilachlidii W. Gams (Hypocreales) which is not present in this collection.